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PROGRAM : bit.c
AUTHOR : John Gray
DATE : January 1988
FUNCTION : Demonstrates the use of 'bit strings' in C.
#include <stdio.h>
#define HEX1 ((unsigned) (0x1)) /* hexadecimal 1 */
#define BITSperBYTE (8) /* # of bits per byte */
#define SIZE (sizeof(unsigned) * BITSperBYTE)
/* element size in bits */
#define SCRNsize (80) /* # of char on 1 line */
#define LIMIT (SCRNsize / SIZE) /* max # of elements */
#define BITrangeERR printf("\n\7Bit out of range 1 - %d \n",value)
int value; /* # of bits needed */
int i,j, /* indicies */
max, /* maximum array index */
ch; /* character input */
void Clear(), PrintBit(), ResetBit(), SetBit(), exit();
printf("\nPlease enter number of bits [1 - %d] needed: ",LIMIT * SIZE);
scanf("%d", &value);
ch = getchar(); /* discard remaining \n */
max = (value - 1) / SIZE; /* find max array index */
if ( value > 0 && max < LIMIT ) /* if within limits do */
unsigned BitString[LIMIT]; /* array of bits */
Clear(BitString, max); /* reset all bits to 0 */
printf("\n\nCMD> ");
while ( (ch = getchar()) != EOF ) /* obtain user input */
switch( ch | 32 )
case 'c': /* call Clear */
Clear(BitString, max);
case 'e':
exit(0); /* exit to system */
case 'p': /* call PrintBit */
for ( i = max; i >= 0; i-- )
PrintBit(BitString[i], i);
case 's': /* call SetBit */
if ( GetBit(&i, &j) ) SetBit(&BitString[i], j);
else BITrangeERR;
case 'r': /* call ResetBit */
if ( GetBit(&i, &j) ) ResetBit(&BitString[i], j);
else BITrangeERR;
case 't': /* call TestBit */
if ( GetBit(&i, &j) )
printf("\nBit set is %c\n",(TestBit(BitString[i], j)) ? 'T' : 'F');
else BITrangeERR;
printf("\nUsage C - clear, E - exit, P - print, R - reset, S - set, T - test\n");
ch = getchar(); /* clear remaining \n */
printf("\nCMD> ");
else printf("\nValue entered is out of range.\n");
/* Clear working bit string array to all 0's */
static void Clear(bs, m)
unsigned *bs; /* array of bits */
int m; /* max array index */
register int i;
for (i = 0; i <= m; i++, bs++) /* exclusive OR elmnts */
*bs ^= *bs; /* to set to all 0's */
/* Obtain bit number from user, return elmnt index, and off set within elmnt */
static int GetBit(index, offset)
int *index, /* index of array */
*offset; /* offset within elmnt */
int bit, /* bit number to use */
ok = 0; /* assume false */
printf("\nPlease enter the bit # [1 - %d] ",value);
if ((ok = scanf("%d", &bit) &&
bit <= value && bit > 0)) { /* int and within range? */
*index = (bit - 1)/SIZE; /* find index */
*offset = (bit % SIZE == 0) ? SIZE : bit % SIZE;
} /* find offset */
return(ok); /* return validity */
/* Print valid bits of a given array element */
static void PrintBit(element, index)
unsigned element; /* array element */
int index; /* index of array elmnt */
register int i;
for (i = SIZE; i > 0; i--) /* for each bit */
if (index * SIZE + i <= value) /* if within range */
putchar((element & (HEX1 << (i - 1))) ? '1' : '0');
/* Set specified bit */
static void SetBit(element, offset)
unsigned *element; /* array element */
int offset; /* offset within elmnt */
{ /* OR original with 1 */
*element |= (HEX1 << offset - 1); /* shifted to crct pos */
/* Reset a specified bit */
static void ResetBit(element, offset)
unsigned *element; /* array element */
int offset; /* offset within elmnt */
static unsigned mask = HEX1; /* 000...1 */
mask <<= SIZE - 1; /* shift left 100...0 */
mask = ~(mask >> SIZE - offset); /* shift rt to crct pos */
*element &= mask; /* AND with original */
/* Test specified bit, return non-zero if set else return zero */
static int TestBit(element, offset)
unsigned element; /* array element */
int offset; /* offset within elmnt */
element <<= SIZE - offset; /* remove left portion */
return(element >>= SIZE - 1); /* shift right */